Eric Bolten
Eric Bolten has worked with leading high technology companies with a focus on digital video on a global basis for the world’s most demanding customers. He has held executive, sales, marketing, and business development roles in markets that range from Australia and Asia to South America, Europe, and the United States, serving the biggest media and sports entities in the world and Fortune 1000 corporations.
Bolten previously worked for technology providers: Com Tech, PictureTel, Vela Research, Venaca, and Signiant in a variety of revenue-driven roles, helping companies grow from startup to multi-millions in sales. Projects have ranged from field and postproduction to primary broadcasts as well as web, mobile, and cloud applications.
He has extensive international streaming services experience with Fortune 1000 customers requiring a variety of complex video and audio technology solutions for global brands such as Exxon, P&G, IBM, Shell Oil, Zurich Insurance, British Telecom, IntelSat, and NTT.
Bolten graduated magna cum laude from Boston University with a dual major in finance and international management.
Featured in: SVG Digital (Monday)